Thursday, July 7, 2011

And in the End----

Well it is over. The last day was very busy. The NEA Fund for Children and Education auction was a huge success. People look forward to my "witty" comments. If I say so myself I can be pretty funny- outrageous but funny. Besides, I love doing the auction.
During the day we finished the legislative program, the resolutions and the latter half of the 97 new business items. All the winning candidates gave speeches and Lenny very graciously said his goodbyes. His loss is a loss for NEA. Earl, a cross between Truman Capote and Dom DeLuise, is a loose cannon.
This could be my last RA. It is very competitve to get elected as a retiree. There are usually 40 people running for 11 slots. What the heck, I will go for it!
Now I need to get ready for Africa. I had my last shot today. Chicago by tomorrow will be a vague memory. It is however, "a toddlin' town"! BTW, I never did see Frank Sinatra, He must have been in Las Vegas. Maybe another time.

Delegates at work. Kay Roberts, in front, will be 97 in Sept.

The Malden Crew- Gerry, Vin, Kathy, Pam, Bonnie, Marguerite, Paula and Karen. The members in Malden are lucky. They have a truly dedicated and hard working group.

That Toddlin' Town

Flags on the Navy Pier.

Monday, July 4, 2011

Busy, Busy and More Busy!

The last 2 days have been very tiring. Yesterday started with campaigning for Len Paillilo. Our caucus was canceled as we needed to be in the hall seated to hear the Vice President. I was told that the first bus was at 7:30. It was at 7 but, no problem. I waited for 2 1/2 hours in line to go through secruity. The agent checking bags in my line wight have been twelve. Anyway Junior emptied my camera case and looked for a false bottom. He was also making everyone drink from their water bottles.(no one clutched thier throat, fell to the ground and gasped for air.
One seated, we waited another hour and the mmod was pretty festive for the most part. Biden finally spoke around 10:45. He was very good. He talked of repecting teachers and letting them make decisions in their jobs. Once he left we resumed business as usual.
Voting was over at 3:30. Len lost by a lot. I can't figure it out. I counted states that had endorsed him and he should have won. It certainly made a very somber mood in the delegation. People in the delegation worked very hard.
Last night was dinner with Cambridge at the Chicago Chop House. Another filet, lovely atmosphere, Cambridge paid. Yahoo!!! Thank you Cambridge.
Today was another busy day. The delegates passed the policy statement on teacher evaluation. It follows the MTA plan quite closely. The delegates also voted to endorse President Obama for a second term and voted to assess members an additional $10 for a ballot initiative fund to help fight ballot questions in states across the country. Busy today.
Tonight I fore went (I think that is a word)supper and went to the White Sox game. It was a terrific game and a very nice stadium. The  rest of the evening I just relaxed. The city is mobbed and it was time to go in.
Last day tomorrow. Looking forward to going home.

Waiting for Joe!

Dancing while waiting for Joe!

A couple of Malden Delegates showing their enthusiasm.

President van Roekel introducing Vive President Biden

The VP delievering his speech


Cellular Field

Night view out my window. Fabulous!
Good Night!!

Sunday, July 3, 2011

A Blur of Meetings!

The last 2 days have been a blur. Yesterday was all day talking about resolutions. Resolutions are the beliefs of the NEA. Commas, periods and will/shall are all crucial issues in the resolutions.  Unfortunately, it can be tedious and I was able to watch at least 3 pieces of paint peel off the wall.

Today was the first day of the representative assembly-10,000 people in one room(really about 7750). Very impressive.! Today we approved the standng rules which govern the meeting. We passed a several new business items:
  1. NBI A- gives a list of changes that NEA would like to see in the No Child Left Behind Law and launchs a campaign that would affect these changes.
  2. NBI B-which directs the NEA President to commnicate "agressively" to President Obama and Secretary of Education Arne Duncan how unhappy we are about some of the policies that they have developed.
  3. NBI 10-which directs NEA to define school and workplace bullying and giudline on how to prevent it.
We also had a presentation by the President of Wisconson (WEAC) and the 14 democatic legislators who fled Wisconson during the anti union attack by Gov. Scott Walker. We have a candidate from Massachusetts-Len Paillilo- who is running for re-election to the NEA Executive Committee. We wore shirts, held signs and chanted, "Do it again, vote for Len." The voting is today.
It was a very full day! Well, I am up early. Vice President Biden speaks today and we have to go through the tight security!
Delegates with our "Len" shirts

Some of the almost 8,000 delegates

Vice President Lily Eskelson presiding over the Standing Rules

President Dennis van Roekel's keynote address

View from my hotel room

Remmeber these from the Bob Newhart Show?